I have no new weekly assignments to post but please remember that our last weekly assignment (Week 8/9 Mini Research Projects) is due THIS FRIDAY, JUNE 5th. You should be working on that assignment plus any other assignments that you have not yet turned in. All late work is due by Wednesday, June 10th. As always, if you need any help, please email me: [email protected] We will have our LAST WebEx meeting next Monday and Tuesday. It will be our last time to chat and check-in so I hope to see you all there! See schedule below: Monday, June 8th: 4th Period: 10:05-10:35am 6th Period: 10:45-11:15am Tuesday, June 9th: 5th Period: 10:05-10:35am Link to WebEx HERE Also, before we meet next week, please complete this End-Of-Year survey. It really helps me out, and I'll even give you some extra credit points for completing it! Have a great week, and I'll see you next Monday/Tuesday! Hello!!! The assignment below is your LAST big assignment for this class!!!!!! For the last week of school (June 8-11), I will just have you do an end-of-year survey. We will also have another mandatory class WebEx (next week, not this week). Here is a recap of what we have covered during distance learning: Week 1: Japanese American Internment in the U.S. during WWII Week 2: Life on the Home Front during WWII and what life was like for many different groups in the U.S. during WWII Week 3: America and the Holocaust Week 4: The End of WWII and the Atomic Bombs Week 5: The Civil Rights Movement (Key Leaders, Major Philosophies, the 4 "I's" of Oppression) Week 6: The Civil Rights Movement through Film Week 7: The COLD WAR Week 8: Mini Research Projects 1960s-Early 2000s (The next TWO weeks) For the next two weeks, you should be working on this assignment (see below) and any missing assignments to ensure that you earn a passing grade for the class AND learn some really amazing things about the country you live in! The assignment below asks you to choose from a list of several major events list, do research on that topic, and complete some questions for each topic. The amount of events you choose to write about determines your grade (10 for an A+, 7 for a B+, 4 for a C+...for example). There is an example "write-up" for the Friends TV Series but please note that your write-ups DO NOT have to be as long as the example!!! This week's assignment is due by Friday, June 5th via CANVAS. We will NOT have a WebEx meeting this week but we will have one next week!!! If you have ANY questions, please email me: [email protected] ![]()
HELLO!! We are entering into our 7th week of online learning! Can you believe it? I know it has NOT been easy and I'm SO proud of you for making it this far. We only have a little left to do! I LOVE talking about the Cold War! It was a rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from the end of WWII to 1991 (about 45 years!!!). It is called "cold" because the US and the USSR never actually engaged in direct military campaigns with each other, instead, they battled through several "proxy" wars (Korean War, Vietnam War, Congo Crisis, etc.). Obviously, with 45 years worth of events, we can't cover everything BUT this week's lesson covers some of the major conflicts both at home and abroad during the Cold War. Here is a recap of what we have covered during distance learning: Week 1: Japanese American Internment in the U.S. during WWII Week 2: Life on the Home Front during WWII and what life was like for many different groups in the U.S. during WWII Week 3: America and the Holocaust Week 4: The End of WWII and the Atomic Bombs Week 5: The Civil Rights Movement (Key Leaders, Major Philosophies, the 4 "I's" of Oppression) Week 6: The Civil Rights Movement through Film Week 7: The COLD WAR (THIS WEEK!) Due to AP testing and StuCo interviews, we will NOT have an all-class WebEx meeting this week, but I will continue to be available for help via email: [email protected] Your assignment is due via CANVAS on Friday, May 22nd. ![]()
Hello!! I hope everyone had an amazing weekend in the sunshine! We are on our 6th week of distance learning and our 2nd week covering the Civil Rights Era! Here is a recap of what we have covered during distance learning: Week 1: Japanese American Internment in the U.S. during WWII Week 2: Life on the Home Front during WWII and what life was like for many different groups in the U.S. during WWII Week 3: America and the Holocaust Week 4: The End of WWII and the Atomic Bombs Week 5: The Civil Rights Movement (Key Leaders, Major Philosophies, the 4 "I's" of Oppression) Week 6: The Civil Rights Movement through Film (THIS WEEK!) Please take a look at the assignment for this week. Your journal response is due via CANVAS on Friday, May 15th. We ARE meeting this week on WebEx! If you are unable to attend your meeting, please let me know via email ([email protected]) Tuesday, May 12th 4th Period: 10:05-10:35am 6th Period: 10:45-11:15am Wednesday, May 13th 5th Period: 10:05-10:35am ![]()
Hello!! Last week's lesson was our last on WWII. In the next few weeks, we will be covering 1) The Civil Rights Movement, 2) The Cold War, and 3) 80s/90s/Early 2000s pop culture! Here is a recap of what we have covered during distance learning: Week 1: Japanese American Internment in the U.S. during WWII Week 2: Life on the Home Front during WWII and what life was like for many different groups in the U.S. during WWII Week 3: America and the Holocaust Week 4: The End of WWII and the Atomic Bombs Week 5: The Civil Rights Movement (Key Leaders, Major Philosophies, the 4 "I's" of Oppression) (THIS WEEK!) Take a look at the weekly plan below outlining the lesson plan. Your reflection questions are due on Canvas by Friday, May 8th. Please remember that if you consult with other students, your answers must still be your own and be in your own words! We will NOT have an all-class WebEx meeting this week BUT WE WILL HAVE ONE NEXT WEEK! I will be available on WebEx during the times below this week IF you have any questions! If you want to schedule a one-on-one WebEx meeting, I am also happy to do that---just email me! [email protected] Monday, May 4th (Just to ask questions if needed, NOT a whole class meeting) 4th Period: 10:05-10:35am 6th Period: 10:45-11:15am Tuesday, May 5th (Just to ask questions if needed, NOT a whole class meeting) 5th Period: 10:05-10:35am PLEASE NOTE: The link I provide for Dr. King's Letter from a Birmingham Jail is a shortened version that does not contain the answers to questions 3 or 4. I've sent an email with more details. You can skip question #3 but please take a look at the full letter to answer question #4 about "just and unjust laws". Link to Letter ![]()
Hello and welcome to our 4th (full) week of online learning! This week will be our last major week spend on WWII. Here is a recap of what we have learned so far: Week 1: Japanese American Internment in the U.S. during WWII Week 2: Life on the Home Front during WWII and what life was like for many different groups in the U.S. during WWII Week 3: America and the Holocaust Week 4: The End of WWII and the Atomic Bombs (THIS WEEK!) Take a look at the weekly plan below outlining the lesson plan. Your reflection questions are due on Canvas by Friday, May 1st. Please remember that if you consult with other students, your answers must still be your own and be in your own words! We will have an all-class meeting this week via WebEx! This is a mandatory check-in. If you have trouble logging in or internet issues, please send me an email letting me know. Here is the meeting schedule: Monday (Black Day) 5th Period: 10:05-10:35am 6th Period: 10:45-11:15am Tuesday (Silver Day) 4th Period: 10:05-10:35am ![]()
Hello! I hope everyone has been able to get outside a bit and enjoy the sunshine! Here is a recap of what we have covered during our distance learning time: Week 1: Japanese American Internment in the U.S. during WWII Week 2: Life on the Home Front during WWII and what life was like for many different groups in the U.S. during WWII Week 3: (THIS WEEK!) America and the Holocaust We won't have a whole-class WebEx meeting this week BUT I will be available via email all week for questions. I will also be on WebEx during the times listed below if you have any questions at all. WebEx link: https://bendk12.webex.com/meet/sarah.warsaw This week, the WebEx meeting will only be for if you have any questions or concerns: Tuesday, April 21: 4th: 10:05-10:35am 6th: 10:45-11:15am Wednesday, April 22: 5th: 10:05-10:35am Please read through/watch this week's material carefully and answer the reflection questions via Canvas by Friday, April 24! ![]()
Hello! I hope everyone had a lovely week and weekend and were able to get outside a bit (at a safe distance from other humans). Thank you to those of you that turned in your assignment in on Canvas. I will get grades and feedback to you this week (be patient with me as I learn the new task of grading via Canvas...it can't be that difficult, right?!?) Also, if you were unable to turn in last week's assignment or still need to turn in any other missing work from before we left school, continue to email me those assignments: [email protected] LAST WEEK, you explored the topic of Japanese American internment in the U.S. during WWII. THIS WEEK, we will take a closer look at "life on the home front" for several different groups of Americans during WWII. You will find this week's assignment attached below. Like last week, please follow the directions and, by Friday, April 17th, turn in the reflection questions via Canvas. We will also have another whole group class meeting but this one will be just for 1) attendance and 2) asking any questions you might have. Please pop into our meeting, say hello to me so I can mark you "here" and then, if you have no questions, you're welcome to pop on back out of the meeting and go about your merry day. THIS WEEK'S CLASS MEETINGS: MONDAY: 4th Period---10:05-10:35am 6th Period---10:45-11:15am TUESDAY: 5th Period---10:05-10:35am Use this link to log into WebEx during your class time: https://bendk12.webex.com/meet/sarah.warsaw ![]()
Hello! I hope everyone had a good week getting back into this new version of school. Thank you for completing the google form last week letting me know how you are doing! We'll start doing small group WebEx meetings to check in (after this week's whole class meeting) but if you ever need help, please reach out to me via email. We're all in this together! While we continue with school online, I will put out these weekly plans by Sunday evening. You are responsible for completing ALL the steps by the end of the week but you can do it on your own time. We will try to meet weekly via WebEx so that I can explain what we are doing that week and answer any questions (and we also get to see each other's faces!). THIS WEEK: 1. Complete any missing assignments from before we left. Go look at your grade in Synergy...if you have a "0", that means that I do not have that assignment from you. Go to my website, find the PDF of the assignment (or search in your school stuff), complete the assignment, and email me a photo of your completed work OR an email with the answers typed out in that email. 2. If you completed the extra credit I posted from two weeks ago (Podcast: "Nazi Summer Camp"), please email me a photo of your art or of your answered questions. 3. Join our Class Meeting via WebEx during your designated time (see attached instructions on how to join!) MONDAY, APRIL 6: 5th Period: @10:05am MONDAY, APRIL 6: 6th Period: @10:45am TUESDAY, APRIL 7: 4th Period: @10:05am LINK TO JOIN WEBEX: https://bendk12.webex.com/meet/sarah.warsaw 4. Complete the attached Weekly Instructions. Turn in your responses to the reflection questions via Canvas by 5pm on Friday, April 10th. ![]()
Hello My US History Students! I miss you all so much! And while it is interesting that we are currently experiencing a moment that students will learn about in their history classes, I know this is not the ideal way we all wanted to end our school year. It's going to continue to take time and patience from you (and from me ) while we figure all this out. Please READ all the points below: 1) While I learn the new Canvas system, I will continue to post our assignments and updates on this website since that is what we are used to but I will try to use the calendar on Canvas and add more to Canvas as we go...but please be patient with me :) If you ever have any questions, please reach out to me via email: [email protected] 2) IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS: EMAIL me with any missing assignments! Don't worry about my late work policy for the moment. Almost everything can be found on my website but if you can't find something, please let me know. Also, we are going to STOP doing the Last Week Today presentations so if you completed yours, you should have a grade (let me know if you don't!) but if not, I am excusing you from it and it won't help/hurt your overall grade. 3) THIS WEEK: You will need to check in with me so I know that you are okay and able to access the internet. PLEASE click on the Google Form link and complete the survey by the end of the day on Thursday, April 2nd! CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE FORM 4) We will start having occasional class-wide and small group WebEx class meetings. Attached are the instructions on how to access WebEx meetings with me and our class! We'll get started on those NEXT WEEK. 5) My goal is to post a plan for each week by Sunday evenings so you will know what we are working on that week, when we will meet, when things are due, etc. ![]()
Mrs. WarsawContact: |
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